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Texto & contexto enferm ; 32: e20220294, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1442224


ABSTRACT Objective: to develop and analyze content and face validity evidence of a board game to promote healthy lifestyle habits for patients with coronary artery disease. Method: this is a psychometric study of development and validity of a board game for health education. Data collection was carried out between October 2021 and January 2022. Initially, the game rules were described and, sequentially, themes related to cardiovascular prevention were identified, used as a basis for card development. The game was submitted to assessment by 14 experts in terms of clarity, theoretical relevance, practical relevance, image visibility and relationship between image and text, through a Likert scale score. The content validity coefficient was calculated for each round, with a coefficient greater than 0.57 being considered valid. New assessment rounds were performed until the appropriate coefficient was reached. Results: the board game was built containing images of anthropomorphized hearts alluding to healthy lifestyle habits and 45 spaces. A total of 69 cards were developed containing the themes of healthy eating, physical activity and the importance of smoking and alcohol cessation. In the first round of assessment, three cards did not reach the minimum content validity coefficient. They were reformulated and sent to a second round of assessment, and was considered validated in this new round. Conclusion: the game, its rules and its content showed adequate content validity evidence after the second round. Further studies to analyze its effect on lifestyle modification should be carried out.

RESUMEN Objetivo: desarrollar y analizar evidencias de validez de contenido y apariencia de un juego de mesa para promover hábitos de vida saludables en pacientes con enfermedad arterial coronaria. Método: estudio psicométrico de desarrollo y validación de un juego de mesa para educación en salud. Os dados se recopilaron desde octubre de 2021 hasta noviembre de 2022. Inicialmente, se describieron las reglas del juego y, en forma secuencial, se identificaron temas relacionados con la prevención cardiovascular, utilizado como base para el desarrollo de gráficos. El juego fue sometido a la evaluación de 14 especialistas en términos de claridad, pertinencia teórica, pertinencia práctica, nitidez de las imágenes y relación entre la imagen y el texto, a través de la puntuación de la escala Likert. Se calculó el coeficiente de validez de contenido para cada ronda, considerándose válido un coeficiente superior a 0,57. Se realizaron nuevas rondas de evaluación hasta alcanzar el coeficiente adecuado. Resultados: se construyó el juego de mesa que contenía imágenes de corazones antropomorfizados alusivos a hábitos de vida saludables y 45 casas. Se desarrollaron 69 cartas que contenían los temas de alimentación saludable, actividad física y la importancia de dejar de fumar y de beber alcohol. En la primera ronda de evaluación, tres letras no alcanzaron el coeficiente mínimo de validez de contenido. Fueron reformulados y enviados a la segunda ronda de evaluación, considerándose validados en esta nueva ronda. Conclusión: el juego, sus reglas y su contenido mostraron evidencia adecuada de validez de contenido después de la segunda ronda. Se deben realizar más estudios para analizar su efecto en la modificación del estilo de vida.

RESUMO Objetivo: desenvolver e analisar evidências de validade de conteúdo e de face de um jogo de tabuleiro para promoção de hábitos saudáveis de vida para pacientes com doença arterial coronariana. Método: estudo psicométrico de desenvolvimento e validação de um jogo de tabuleiro para educação em saúde A coleta de dados foi realizada entre os meses de outubro de 2021 e janeiro de 2022. Inicialmente, foram descritas as regras do jogo e sequencialmente foram identificados temas relacionados à prevenção cardiovascular, usados como base para o desenvolvimento de cartas. O jogo foi submetido à avaliação de 14 especialistas em relação à clareza, relevância teórica, pertinência prática, nitidez das imagens e relação da imagem com o texto, por meio da pontuação em escala de Likert. Foi calculado o coeficiente de validade de conteúdo para cada rodada, sendo considerado válido um coeficiente superior a 0,57. Novas rodadas de avaliação foram realizadas até que o coeficiente adequado fosse atingido. Resultados: o jogo de tabuleiro foi construído contendo imagens de corações antropomorfizados aludindo a hábitos saudáveis de vida e 45 casas. Foram desenvolvidas 69 cartas contendo as temáticas de alimentação saudável, atividade física e a importância da cessação do tabagismo e do álcool. Na primeira rodada de avaliação, três cartas não atingiram o coeficiente de validade de conteúdo mínimo. Foram reformuladas e enviadas para a segunda rodada de avaliação, sendo consideradas validadas nessa nova rodada. Conclusão: o jogo, suas regras e seu conteúdo apresentaram adequadas evidências de validade de conteúdo após a segunda rodada. Estudos posteriores para análise do seu efeito na modificação do estilo de vida devem ser realizados.

CoDAS ; 35(6): e20220181, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506058


RESUMO Objetivo comparar as eficácias da terapia fonológica tradicional e terapia fonológica associada à estratégia de gamificação em sujeitos com Transtorno Fonológico (TF). Método participaram dez sujeitos com TF que apresentavam o processo de substituição de líquidas. Os sujeitos foram randomizados em dois grupos: terapia fonológica tradicional (grupo controle - GC) e terapia fonológica associada a estratégia de gamificação mediada por computador (grupo gamificação - GG). A intervenção fonológica compreendeu, para ambos os grupos, etapas de percepção e produção de fala. As intervenções se diferenciaram na etapa de percepção, na qual o GG foi submetido ao jogo com estratégia de gamificação. Ao final de cada sessão, foram registrados a produção de fala dos sujeitos (% de acerto) para cada etapa terapêutica, a partir de palavras-alvo e palavras-sondagem. Para análise foram considerados: média de acerto dos sujeitos para cada etapa terapêutica; valores de PCC-R (Porcentagem de Consoantes Corretas Revisado) pré e pós terapia; além do número de sessões utilizadas para se atingir 85% de produção correta. Resultados não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os tipos de intervenção considerando a média de acertos das produções e o número de sessões. Houve efeito significante para as condições pré e pós terapia na comparação dos valores de PCC-R para ambos os modelos. Os sujeitos do GC tiveram os valores de PCC-R maiores do que as do GG. Conclusão ambos os modelos de intervenção apresentam resultados semelhantes, propiciando melhora no desempenho fonológico do sujeito desde a primeira sessão.

ABSTRACT Purpose to compare the efficacies of traditional phonological therapy and phonology associated with the gamification strategy in children with Phonological Disorder (PD). Methods ten individuals with PD participated who showed the process of replacing liquids. They were randomized into two groups: traditional phonological therapy (control group - CG) and phonological therapy associated with a gamification strategy mediated by computer (gamification group - GG). The phonological intervention comprised, for both groups, stages of speech perception and production. Interventions differed in the perception stage, in which the GG was submitted to the game with gamification strategies. At the end of each session, individuals speech production (% of correct answers) were registered for each therapeutic stage, based on target words and sounding words. For analysis the following were considered: The individuals mean of correct answers for each therapeutic stage; PCC-R value (percentage of correct consonants) pre and post therapy; beyond of the number of sessions used to reach 85% of correct production. Results there was no statistical difference between the types of intervention considering the average of correct answers of the productions and the number of sessions. There was a significant effect for pre- and post-therapy conditions in the comparison PCC-R values ​​for both models. The individuals in the GC had the PCC-R values higher than those of GG. Conclusion both models of intervention present similar results, providing an improvement in the individuals phonological performance from the first session.

Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 36: eAPE00001, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1419825


Resumo Objetivo Avaliar a efetividade do jogo de tabuleiro Enfermeiro Diagnosticador para o ensino do raciocínio diagnóstico em estudantes de enfermagem. Métodos Estudo quase-experimental, desenvolvido em três etapas: construção do jogo de tabuleiro Enfermeiro Diagnosticador; análise de conteúdo dos casos clínicos por especialistas; e aplicação do jogo de tabuleiro Enfermeiro Diagnosticador. Participaram 19 especialistas na análise de conteúdo. O pré-teste e o pós-teste foram realizados com 11 discentes do Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem, cursando a Disciplina de Bases da Semiologia. Resultados Os nove casos clínicos que compuseram o jogo foram organizados em pistas capazes de subsidiar a composição dos diagnósticos de enfermagem. Esses foram avaliados com boa adequação por 19 especialistas em raciocínio diagnóstico e/ou tecnologia educacional. Comparando o desempenho dos discentes antes e após o experimento, a inferência diagnóstica correta apresentou diferença estatística significativa na resolução do primeiro e segundo diagnósticos (p=0,008). Além disso, a escrita correta do diagnóstico foi ponto de destaque no pós-teste e todos os itens avaliados apresentaram melhora no momento pós-aplicação do jogo de tabuleiro. Conclusão Conclui-se que o jogo de tabuleiro Enfermeiro Diagnosticador é efetivo no apoio ao ensino do raciocínio diagnóstico em enfermagem. Desta forma, almeja-se avançar no estado da arte no que concerne a jogos educativos de baixo custo e fácil acesso para dar suporte ao raciocínio diagnóstico em enfermagem.

Resumen Objetivo Evaluar la efectividad del juego Enfermero Diagnosticador para la enseñanza del razonamiento diagnóstico en estudiantes de enfermería. Métodos Estudio cuasi experimental desarrollado en tres etapas: elaboración del juego de mesa Enfermero Diagnosticador, análisis de contenido de los casos clínicos por especialistas y aplicación del juego de mesa Enfermero Diagnosticador. Participaron 19 especialistas en el análisis de contenido. El pretest y el postest se realizó con 11 estudiantes de la carrera de Enfermería que cursaban la materia Bases de la Semiología. Resultados Los nueve casos clínicos que formaban parte del juego fueron organizados en pistas que podían respaldar la composición de los diagnósticos de enfermería. Estos casos fueron evaluados con buena idoneidad por 19 especialistas en razonamiento diagnóstico o tecnología educativa. Al comparar el rendimiento de los estudiantes antes y después del experimento, la inferencia diagnóstica correcta presentó diferencia estadística significativa en la resolución del primer y segundo diagnóstico (p=0,008). Además, la escritura correcta del diagnóstico fue un punto destacado en el postest, y todos los ítems evaluados presentaron una mejora en el momento posterior a la aplicación del juego de mesa. Conclusión Se concluye que el juego de mesa Enfermero Diagnosticador es efectivo para respaldar la enseñanza del razonamiento diagnóstico en enfermería. De esta forma, se pretende avanzar en el estado del diseño en lo que respecta a juegos educativos de bajo costo y fácil acceso para respaldar el razonamiento diagnóstico en enfermería.

Abstract Objective To assess the "Enfermeiro Diagnosticador" board game effectiveness for teaching diagnostic reasoning among nursing students. Methods This is a quasi-experimental study, developed in three stages: "Enfermeiro Diagnosticador" (Diagnostician Nurse) game construction; content analysis of clinical cases by experts; and "Enfermeiro Diagnosticador" game application. Nineteen experts participated in content analysis. Pre- and post-tests were performed with 11 undergraduate nursing students, attending semiology, a baseline subject. Results The nine clinical cases that comprised the game were organized into clues capable of subsidizing the composition of nursing diagnoses. These were assessed with good suitability by 19 experts in diagnostic reasoning and/or educational technology. Comparing students' performance before and after the experiment, the correct diagnostic inference showed a statistically significant difference in the resolution of the first and second diagnoses (p=0.008). Moreover, the correct writing of diagnosis was a highlight in the post-test and all the items assessed showed improvement after the board game application. Conclusion It is concluded that "Enfermeiro Diagnosticador" is effective in supporting the teaching of diagnostic reasoning in nursing. In this way, we aim to advance in the state of the art with regard to low-cost and easily accessible educational games to support diagnostic reasoning in nursing.

Iatreia ; 35(4)dic. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534604


Introducción: La educación médica ha propiciado estrategias de enseñanza-aprendizaje que integran nuevas actividades pedagógicas y evaluativas acordes con el avance en el conocimiento. Los juegos educacionales (JE) surgen como una opción en pro del mejoramiento en los objetivos y resultados educacionales, con una utilidad potencial dentro del proceso formativo de los cirujanos. Hay investigaciones crecientes sobre el tema. Objetivo: evaluar de forma cualitativa el estado de la evidencia disponible sobre la efectividad de los JE como estrategia pedagógica en estudiantes de postgrado de cirugía general. Método: revisión de alcance de la literatura, según la metodología del Joanna Briggs Institute. Se evaluó el impacto educacional de los JE según la clasificación de Kirkpatrick. Resultados: la evidencia acerca de la utilidad los JE en la educación médica en cirugía es limitada. Existe una heterogeneidad de metodologías, procesos y resultados educativos producto de implementar JE como instrumento de evaluación o de instrucción. No obstante, es posible un impacto positivo de acuerdo con las investigaciones. No hay una evaluación de los alcances y el rol de los JE en la formación de los cirujanos. Conclusión: los JE se constituyen en una estrategia novedosa a considerar en la educación en cirugía general. Su implementación se condiciona a la construcción de una evidencia sólida, reproducible y basada en objetivos claros de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Sin embargo, la investigación en el tema es incipiente.

Summary Background: Medical education has fostered teaching-learning strategies that integrate new pedagogical and evaluative activities in accordance with the advancement in knowledge. Educational games (EG) emerge as an option for improving educational objectives and results, with potential utility within the training process of surgeons. There is growing research on the subject. Objective: To qualitatively evaluate the state of the available evidence on the efficacy of EG as a pedagogical strategy in general surgery postgraduate students. Method: Scoping review of the literature, according to the methodology of the Joanna Briggs Institute. The educational impact of the EG was evaluated according to the Kirkpatrick classification. Results: Evidence about the usefulness of EGs in medical education in surgery is limited. There is a heterogeneity of methodologies, processes and educational results resulting from implementing EG as an evaluation or instructional instrument. However, a positive impact is possible according to research. There is no evaluation of the scope and role of EBs in the training of surgeons. Conclusions: The EG constitute a novel strategy to consider in general surgery education. Its implementation is conditional on the construction of solid, reproducible evidence based on clear teaching-learning objectives. However, research on the subject is incipient.

Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 35: eAPE0317345, 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1374023


Resumo Objetivo Validar qualitativamente o jogo Violetas para utilização com profissionais que atuam no enfrentamento da violência contra a mulher. Métodos Estudo de abordagem qualitativa, realizado com 30 profissionais das Casas da Mulher Brasileira de Brasília, Campo Grande e Curitiba. Os dados foram coletados por meio de Oficinas de Trabalho Crítico-emancipatórias e tratados através da técnica de análise de conteúdo temática, com o apoio do software webQDA. Resultados A análise dos dados possibilitou a emergência de três categorias empíricas: Violência contra a mulher: o jogo pergunta e as profissionais respondem; A ação e a omissão recriadas no tabuleiro; O trabalho colaborativo como ferramenta para o enfrentamento da violência contra a mulher. Conclusão O jogo Violetas motivou o reconhecimento de diferentes situações de violência comumente perpetradas contra as mulheres, bem como a reflexão sobre as estratégias para a prevenção e o enfrentamento do problema na realidade fictícia. Pela similaridade das questões abordadas no jogo com a realidade concreta, foi possível a ampliação dos conhecimentos e sua aplicação na prática profissional das participantes.

Resumen Objetivo Validar cualitativamente el juego Violetas para la utilización con profesionales que actúan en el enfrentamiento de la violencia contra la mujer. Métodos Estudio de abordaje cualitativo, realizado con 30 profesionales de las Casas de la Mujer Brasileña de Brasília, Campo Grande y Curitiba. Los datos fueron recopilados por medio de Oficinas de Trabajo Crítico-emancipatorias y tratados a través de la técnica de análisis de contenido temático, con el apoyo del software webQDA. Resultados El análisis de los datos posibilitó la emergencia de tres categorías empíricas: Violencia contra la mujer: el juego pregunta y las profesionales responden; La acción y la omisión recriadas en el tablero; El trabajo colaborativo como herramienta para el enfrentamiento de la violencia contra la mujer. Conclusión El juego Violetas motivó el reconocimiento de distintas situaciones de violencia comúnmente cometidas contra las mujeres, así como la reflexión sobre las estrategias para la prevención y el enfrentamiento del problema en la realidad ficticia. En función de la semejanza de las cuestiones tratadas en el juego con la realidad concreta, se posibilitó la ampliación de los conocimientos y su aplicación en la práctica profesional de las participantes.

Abstract Objective To qualitatively validate the game Violetas for professionals who work with violence against women. Method Study with a qualitative approach, carried out with 30 professionals from the Casa da Mulher Brasileira in Brasília, Campo Grande and Curitiba. Data were collected through Critical-Emancipatory Workshops and analyzed through thematic content analysis, using the webQDA software. Results From the analysis of the data allowed, three empirical categories emerged: Violence against women: the game asks and the professionals answer; Action and omission recreated on the board; and Cooperative work as a tool to confront violence against women. Conclusion The game Violetas motivated the recognition of different situations of violence against women and the reflection on strategies for preventing and combating the problem in the fictional reality. Due to the similarity between the questions addressed in the game and the concrete reality, it was possible to expand knowledge and its application in the professional practice of the participants.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Adaptação Psicológica , Incidência , Estudo de Validação , Violência contra a Mulher , Violência de Gênero/prevenção & controle , Jogos Experimentais
Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP ; 55: e20200238, 2021. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1287926


ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the potentialities and limits of the board game Violetas to address violence against women, from the perspective of the professionals who work in assisting the victims. Method: This is an interventional study with a qualitative approach. Thirty professionals from the Casas da Mulher Brasileira (Brazilian Women's Houses) in Brasília, Campo Grande and Curitiba participated. Data collection was carried out during Critical-Emancipatory Workshops. Data were subjected to thematic content analysis with the support of the software webQDA. Results: As potentialities, the professionals mentioned the game design, the collaborative participation, and the ludicity as learning facilitators, stimulating reflections on the visibility of violence, assistance to victimized women, and the articulation of the supportive network services. As limitations of the study, the lack of familiarity with games, the understanding of the rules, and some issues contained in the game were mentioned. Conclusion: The game proved to be a powerful educational strategy for the training and qualification of the professionals involved in the supportive network.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Analizar las potencialidades y los límites del juego Violetas para el enfrentamiento de la violencia contra la mujer, en la perspectiva de los profesionales que actúan en el atendimiento a las víctimas. Método: Estudio de intervención con abordaje cualitativo. Participaron 30 profesionales de las Casas da Mulher Brasileira (Casas de la Mujer Brasileña) de Brasília, Campo Grande y Curitiba. La colecta de datos fue realizada durante Talleres de Trabajo Crítico-emancipatorios. Los datos fueron sometidos al análisis de contenido temático con el apoyo del software webQDA. Resultados: Como potencialidades, los profesionales refirieron el diseño del juego, la participación colaborativa y lo lúdico como facilitadores del aprendizaje, estimulando reflexiones acerca de la visibilidad de la violencia, la asistencia a las víctimas y la articulación de los servicios de la red de enfrentamiento. Se destacó como limitaciones: la falta de proximidad con juegos, la comprensión de las reglas y de algunas cuestiones referentes al juego. Conclusión: El juego demostró ser una estrategia educativa potente para la formación y cualificación de los profesionales comprometidos en la red de enfrentamiento.

RESUMO Objetivo: Analisar as potencialidades e os limites do jogo Violetas para o enfrentamento da violência contra a mulher, na perspectiva dos profissionais que atuam no atendimento às vítimas. Método: Estudo interventivo de abordagem qualitativa. Participaram 30 profissionais das Casas da Mulher Brasileira de Brasília, Campo Grande e Curitiba. A coleta de dados foi realizada durante Oficinas de Trabalho Crítico-emancipatórias. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo temática com o apoio do software webQDA. Resultados: Como potencialidades, os profissionais referiram o design do jogo, a participação colaborativa e a ludicidade como facilitadores do aprendizado, estimulando reflexões sobre a visibilidade da violência, a assistência às mulheres vitimadas e a articulação dos serviços da rede de enfrentamento. Como limitações, foram citados a falta de proximidade com jogos, o entendimento das regras e de algumas questões contidas no jogo. Conclusão: O jogo revelou-se como uma estratégia educativa potente para a formação e qualificação dos profissionais envolvidos na rede de enfrentamento.

Violência contra a Mulher , Cuidados de Enfermagem , Educação , Saúde de Gênero , Jogos Experimentais
Rev. bras. cineantropom. desempenho hum ; 23: e70749, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1180898


Abstract The present study examined the effects of small-sided and conditioned games (SSCGs) manipulating tactical rules (ball-possession [BP] vs goal-scoring with goalkeepers [GS]) and pitch size (square [SP] vs rectangular [RP]) on the running performance and technical skills of young soccer players. Ten male soccer players (chronological age: 12.45 ± 0.51 years; body mass: 41.99 ± 7.97 kg; height: 152.85 ± 10.03 cm) were monitored using GPS units during SSCG formats. The distance covered at different running intensities and number of technical actions were used in analyses. SSCG-induced changes in 30 m sprint and CMJ performances were also evaluated. Compared to BP, GS elicited significantly lower distances covered at low intensity running (p=0.003; d=-0.95), more sprints (p=0.050; d=0.67), and longer distances covered in terms of walking (p=0.035; d=2.60) and sprinting (p=0.029; d=0.75); (ii) number of passes (short [p=0.002; d=1.10] and long [p=0.013; d=0.82]) were more frequent during BP than GS games, while RP game format allowed for greater occurrence of long passes (p=0.036; d=0.64) than under the SP condition; (iii) jumping and sprinting performance did not change (p>0.05) using different SSCG formats. In conclusion, GS games demand more sprint running episodes in terms of number and distance covered than BP games. In addition, RP game formats can be used to increase the occurrence of longer passes in young soccer players aged 11-13 years.

Resumo O estudo examinou os efeitos de diferentes jogos reduzidos e condicionados (JRC): manipulando as regras táticas (posse de bola (BP) vs. marcar gols com goleiro (GS)) e o formato do campo (quadrado vs. retangular) sobre o desempenho físico e técnico em jovens jogadores de futebol. Dez jogadores do sexo masculino (idade: 12,45 ± 0,51 anos; massa corporal: 41,99 ± 7,97 kg; altura: 152,85 ± 10,3 cm) foram monitorados através do sistema de posicionamento global e os JRC gravados em vídeo. A distância percorrida em diferentes intensidades e o número de ações técnicas para os 4 diferentes JRC foram usadas para análise. O efeito dos JRC sobre o desempenho no teste de sprints de 30 m e altura do salto vertical também foram analisadas. Os JRC para GS provocaram distâncias significativamente menores em corrida de baixa intensidade (p=0.003; d=-0.95) e mais sprints (p=0.050; d=0.67) e maiores distâncias caminhando (p=0.035; d=2.60) e em sprint (p=0.029; d=0.75) comparado ao BP; (ii) o número de passes (curtos [p=0.002; d=1.10] e longos [p=0.013; d=0.82]) é maior nos JRC de BP que GS. O formato retangular permite maior ocorrência de passes longos que o modelo quadrado (p=0.036; d=0.64); (iii) o desempenho de salto vertical e velocidade não mudou (p>0.05) após os JRC. Concluindo, ações envolvendo sprints em número e distância são maiores no JRC com GS comparado ao BP, enquanto que JRC de BP favorecem o desenvolvimento do passe. Por fim, o campo retangular com BP estimula a realização de passes mais longos em jovens jogadores.

Texto & contexto enferm ; 30: e20200651, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1341740


ABSTRACT Objective to describe the meaning attributed to the use of a game as an educational technology for the involvement of companions in pediatric patient safety. Method a qualitative study carried out with 16 companions of children admitted to the Pediatric Unit of the public hospital in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Data collection took place from October to December 2019, through semi-structured interviews, after using the game as an educational technology. Symbolic Interactionism was used as the theoretical framework and Inductive Content Analysis, as the method. Results playing the game in search of patient safety was an important strategy for sharing knowledge and co-responsibility for the companions to engage in the pediatric patient safety actions, in addition to a relevant contribution to the prevention of adverse events. On the other hand, the professionals' overload and communication problems stood out as barriers to the establishment of a bond among the health team members and, consequently, the involvement of the companions in patient safety. Conclusion the companions recognized themselves as partners in the prevention of adverse events and highlighted some behavioral changes in favor of patient safety after participating in the playful intervention. Thus, it is considered that the game can be an important and interactive strategy for disseminating information to companions and family members and, consequently, favoring the increased participation of these actors in patient safety actions.

RESUMEN Objetivo describir el significado que se atribuye a la utilización de lo lúdico como tecnología educativa para implicar a los acompañantes en la seguridad del paciente pediátrico. Método estudio cualitativo, realizado con 16 acompañantes de niños internados en la Unidad Pediátrica del hospital público de Minas Gerais, Brasil. La recolección de datos se llevó a cabo de octubre a diciembre de 2019, por medio de entrevistas semiestructuradas, después de haber utilizado el juego como tecnología educativa. Se utilizó el Interaccionismo Simbólico como marco teórico, y el Análisis de Contenido Inductivo como método. Resultados la realización del juego en busca de la seguridad del paciente se erigió como una estrategia importante para compartir conocimientos y fomentar la implicación de los acompañantes en acciones de seguridad del paciente pediátrico, además de representar una contribución relevante a la prevención de eventos adversos. Por otro lado, la sobrecarga de profesionales y los problemas de comunicación se destacaron como barreras para el establecimiento de un vínculo entre el equipo de salud y, en consecuencia, la implicación de los acompañantes en la seguridad del paciente. Conclusión los acompañantes se reconocen como pares en la prevención de eventos adversos y señalaron algunos cambios de comportamiento en beneficio de la seguridad del paciente después de participar en la intervención lúdica. Así, se considera que el juego puede ser una estrategia importante e interactiva para difundir información a los acompañantes y familiares y, en consecuencia, favorecer la mayor participación de estos actores en las acciones de seguridad del paciente.

RESUMO Objetivo descrever o significado atribuído à utilização do lúdico como tecnologia educativa para o envolvimento de acompanhantes na segurança do paciente pediátrico. Método estudo qualitativo, realizado com 16 acompanhantes de crianças internadas na Unidade Pediátrica do hospital público de Minas Gerais, Brasil. A coleta de dados ocorreu de outubro a dezembro de 2019, por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas, após utilização do jogo, como tecnologia educativa. Utilizou-se o Interacionismo Simbólico como referencial teórico, e a Análise de Conteúdo Indutiva como método. Resultados a realização do jogo em busca da segurança do paciente apresentou-se como uma importante estratégia de compartilhamento de conhecimento e corresponsabilização dos acompanhantes em se engajarem nas ações de segurança do paciente pediátrico, além da relevante contribuição na prevenção de eventos adversos. Por outro lado, a sobrecarga dos profissionais e os problemas de comunicação se destacaram como barreiras para o estabelecimento do vínculo entre a equipe de saúde e, consequentemente, engajamento dos acompanhantes na segurança do paciente. Conclusão os acompanhantes reconheceram-se como parceiros na prevenção de eventos adversos e destacaram algumas mudanças de comportamento em prol da segurança do paciente após participação na intervenção lúdica. Assim, considera-se que o jogo pode ser uma estratégia importante e interativa de divulgação de informação à acompanhantes e familiares e, consequentemente, favorecedora para o aumento da participação desses atores nas ações de segurança do paciente.

Humanos , Criança , Enfermagem Pediátrica , Família , Tecnologia Educacional , Educação em Enfermagem , Segurança do Paciente , Jogos Experimentais
JMIR Serious Games ; 8(3): e17810, 2020 Sep 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32897233


BACKGROUND: A lack of ability to inhibit prepotent responses, or more generally a lack of impulse control, is associated with several disorders such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and schizophrenia as well as general damage to the prefrontal cortex. A stop-signal task (SST) is a reliable and established measure of response inhibition. However, using the SST as an objective assessment in diagnostic or research-focused settings places significant stress on participants as the task itself requires concentration and cognitive effort and is not particularly engaging. This can lead to decreased motivation to follow task instructions and poor data quality, which can affect assessment efficacy and might increase drop-out rates. Gamification-the application of game-based elements in nongame settings-has shown to improve engaged attention to a cognitive task, thus increasing participant motivation and data quality. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to design a gamified SST that improves participants' engagement and validate this gamified SST against a standard SST. METHODS: We described the design of our gamified SST and reported on 2 separate studies that aim to validate the gamified SST relative to a standard SST. In study 1, a within-subject design was used to compare the performance of the SST and a stop-signal game (SSG). In study 2, we added eye tracking to the procedure to determine if overt attention was affected and aimed to replicate the findings from study 1 in a between-subjects design. Furthermore, in both studies, flow and motivational experiences were measured. RESULTS: In contrast, the behavioral performance was comparable between the tasks (P<.87; BF01=2.87), and the experience of flow and intrinsic motivation were rated higher in the SSG group, although this difference was not significant. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, our findings provide evidence that the gamification of SST is possible and that the SSG is enjoyed more. Thus, when participant engagement is critical, we recommend using the SSG instead of the SST.

Stud Health Technol Inform ; 270: 1215-1216, 2020 Jun 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32570586


Biostatistics is one of the transversal subjects that all future doctors must acquire and master. Nonetheless, it is a subject that has the reputation of being difficult, which has not been able to be corrected even with the application of new pedagogical methods such as blended learning. We address this problem with our acculturative and disruptive approach in the form of a serious game scenario in clinical research that integrates biostatistics with our R4Web adapted tools. Our approach was launched in 2008 for the second year of medical school. Here we describe this LOE scenario for serious game including the biostatistics disruptive acculturation task and present its new international version.

Bioestatística , Jogos de Vídeo , Aculturação , Biometria , Aprendizagem
JMIR Serious Games ; 8(2): e13190, 2020 Apr 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32297864


BACKGROUND: Positive results can be obtained through game-based learning, but children with physical disabilities have fewer opportunities to participate in enjoyable physical activity. Because intelligent serious games can provide personalized learning opportunities, motivate the learner, teach 21st-century skills, and provide an environment for authentic and relevant assessment, they may be used to help children and adolescents with different kinds of learning disabilities to develop social and cognitive competences. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to produce and evaluate a suite of intelligent serious games based on accessible learning objectives for improving key skills, personal development, and work sustainability among children with learning difficulties. METHODS: We conducted this research between 2016 and 2018, with pupils aged 11 to 12 years with learning disabilities who were integrated into the mainstream educational system. We used a 4-step methodology to develop learner creativity and social competences: (1) needs analysis, (2) development of learning content, (3) development of intelligent serious games, and (4) a usability evaluation focusing on the research questions and hypothesis. This was based on an initial teachers' evaluation, using a survey, of students using 2 of the games, where the main goal was to determine user motivation and initiative and to improve the games and the evaluation process. The initial evaluation was followed by a pilot evaluation, which was performed for all proposed games, in all partner countries. RESULTS: In an initial evaluation with 51 participants from Slovenia consisting of a pretest, followed by intelligent serious game intervention and concluding with a posttest, we observed statistically significant improvement in social and cognitive competences measured by tests. Based on these findings and observations, we improved the games and evaluation process. In the pilot test, conducted in all participating countries on a sample of 93 participants, the mean score on the teachers' observation form on the pretest (before students began using the intelligent serious games) was 3.9. In the posttest, after students had used intelligent serious games, the mean score was 4.1. CONCLUSIONS: We focused on developing and evaluating intelligent serious games for persons with learning disabilities, particularly for students with disabilities who are integrated into the mainstream educational system. Such games provide an opportunity for personalized learning and should be tailored to ensure that every learner can achieve the highest standard possible. However, we recommend that the games be adapted based on the students' needs and capabilities and a specially developed curriculum. The collected feedback showed that (1) children with learning disabilities need appropriately developed intelligent serious games, and (2) intelligent serious games, and the pertaining didactic methodology, should be based on an interoperable curriculum, so that teachers and trainers can use them. The student survey confirmed improvements in all aspects.

JMIR Serious Games ; 8(1): e16254, 2020 Jan 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32012041


BACKGROUND: Although teen pregnancy rates decreased dramatically in the United States over the past decade, the rates of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among adolescents and young adults increased. STI rates disproportionately affect African American youth and young adults. Innovative, accessible, and culturally relevant sexual health interventions are urgently needed. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to identify the optimal modality for a game-based sexual health intervention; develop the educational, entertainment, and technological aspects of the serious game; and demonstrate its usability and acceptance by the target population. METHODS: This project was grounded in formative data collection with community-based participatory research principles and practices combined with a user-centered design and development approach. Sexually Active Adolescent-Focused Education (SAAFE) was developed using input and feedback from African American youths aged 15 to 21 years who participated in a youth advisory board and focus group discussions to inform the co-design and cocreation of the serious game. The process was highly iterative with multiple sessions for user input following design changes. It proceeded in 3 stages. Social cognitive theory and problem-solving theory were leveraged to provide evidence-based, trauma-informed education through a serious game. Usability testing assessed the quality of user experience with the prototype. RESULTS: Across all 3 stages, a total of 86 self-identified African American males and females aged 15 to 21 years from the District of Columbia and Birmingham, Alabama, participated. Participants requested a dating simulation game. They wanted SAAFE to be customizable, realistic, entertaining, educational, modern, and experiential, linking consequences to their gameplay decisions. Usability testing resulted in an initial System Usability Survey score of 77.7, placing the game in the 82nd percentile and above average for usability. CONCLUSIONS: Initial results suggest that the SAAFE prototype is a promising intervention to engage African American youth in sexual health education using a role-playing game. If proven efficacious, the game has the potential to meet the need for sex education, counterbalance unhealthy portrayals of sex in popular media, and respond to the disparities in the STI epidemic.

JMIR Serious Games ; 8(1): e14282, 2020 Jan 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32012046


BACKGROUND: Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgery is one of the most common orthopedic procedures. One of the main factors that influence the outcome is regaining strength in the postoperative phase. Because anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgeries are often performed in young patients, we combined the concept of prehabilitation with an app-based serious gaming approach to improve maximal strength postoperatively. OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to conduct a prospective randomized trial to evaluate whether an app-based active muscle training program (GenuSport Knee Trainer) can improve postoperative strength by starting rehabilitation immediately after primary anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgery. METHODS: We designed a pilot study in which we randomly assigned patients receiving primary anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction to either the serious gaming training (intervention) group or a conventional rehabilitation (control) group. Except for the serious gaming-based training, both groups followed the same postoperative treatment protocol. Outcome parameters were absolute and relative change in maximal strength, as well as the International Knee Documentation Committee Subjective Knee evaluation form, Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score, and Lysholm Knee Score. RESULTS: In total 26 patients agreed to participate (14 patients in the intervention group and 12 patients in the control group, 1 of whom was lost to follow-up). We noted a difference in absolute maximum strength between the exergaming intervention and the control groups. Mean maximum strength preoperatively was 155.1 (SD 79.2) N in the intervention group (n=14) and 157.0 (SD 40.8) N in the control group (n=11). Postoperative mean maximum strength was 212.8 (SD 78.5) N in the intervention group and 154.5 (SD 27.1) N in the control group. Mean absolute change in maximum strength was 57.7 (SD 95.2) N in the intervention group and -4.8 (22.2) N in the control group. The analysis of covariance model with absolute change as the dependent variable and treatment group and baseline maximum strength as covariates showed a relevant difference in relative change between treatment groups (intervention - control) of 59.7 N (95% CI 10.1-109.3; P=.02). Similarly to the absolute increase, the relative change in maximum strength was relevantly higher in the exergaming group. The mean relative change in maximum strength was 1.7 (SD 1.17) in the intervention group and 1 (SD 0.13) in the control group. No adverse events or problems were reported during the study period. CONCLUSIONS: Implementation of an app-based active muscle training program in the early postoperative therapy scheme was associated with an improvement in maximal strength. Therefore, we considered the use of GenuSport training after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction to be a helpful complement to rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgery to improve strength in the early postoperative phase. To our knowledge this was the first study to analyze immediate postoperative serious gaming-based training with the GenuSport device based on strength improvement.

J Med Internet Res ; 22(1): e15597, 2020 01 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32012058


BACKGROUND: The diagnosis of pigmented skin lesion is error prone and requires domain-specific expertise, which is not readily available in many parts of the world. Collective intelligence could potentially decrease the error rates of nonexperts. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility and impact of collective intelligence for the detection of skin cancer. METHODS: We created a gamified study platform on a stack of established Web technologies and presented 4216 dermatoscopic images of the most common benign and malignant pigmented skin lesions to 1245 human raters with different levels of experience. Raters were recruited via scientific meetings, mailing lists, and social media posts. Education was self-declared, and domain-specific experience was tested by screening tests. In the target test, the readers had to assign 30 dermatoscopic images to 1 of the 7 disease categories. The readers could repeat the test with different lesions at their own discretion. Collective human intelligence was achieved by sampling answers from multiple readers. The disease category with most votes was regarded as the collective vote per image. RESULTS: We collected 111,019 single ratings, with a mean of 25.2 (SD 18.5) ratings per image. As single raters, nonexperts achieved a lower mean accuracy (58.6%) than experts (68.4%; mean difference=-9.4%; 95% CI -10.74% to -8.1%; P<.001). Collectives of nonexperts achieved higher accuracies than single raters, and the improvement increased with the size of the collective. A collective of 4 nonexperts surpassed single nonexperts in accuracy by 6.3% (95% CI 6.1% to 6.6%; P<.001). The accuracy of a collective of 8 nonexperts was 9.7% higher (95% CI 9.5% to 10.29%; P<.001) than that of single nonexperts, an improvement similar to single experts (P=.73). The sensitivity for malignant images increased for nonexperts (66.3% to 77.6%) and experts (64.6% to 79.4%) for answers given faster than the intrarater mean. CONCLUSIONS: A high number of raters can be attracted by elements of gamification and Web-based marketing via mailing lists and social media. Nonexperts increase their accuracy to expert level when acting as a collective, and faster answers correspond to higher accuracy. This information could be useful in a teledermatology setting.

Inteligência/genética , Neoplasias Cutâneas/diagnóstico , Telemedicina/métodos , Feminino , Humanos , Internet , Masculino , Neoplasias Cutâneas/patologia
Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 161-165, 2020.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-807914


@# Physical inactivity is closely related to the continuous decline of physical fitness, the increasingly severe obesity, myopia and other health problems, which has become a global public health issue. Physical activity promotion of children and adolescents is a common concern in sports science and public health. However, health outcomeoriented physical activity promotion model has failed to achieve expected results. Based on the concept of physical literacy, components of physical literacy, and direct and indirect evidence, this paper expounds the relationship between physical literacy and physical activity promotion of children and adolescents, and reveals the implication of physical literacy to physical activity promotion of children and adolescents. It also points out that more empirical studies are needed in the future, including the development of physical literacy assessment tools for children and adolescents of different ages and physical conditions in China; more longitudinal studies on the relationship between physical literacy, physical activity participation and health; the direct effect of physical literacy intervention on physical activity behavior and health outcomes. Promotion of physical literacy is an important element for physical activity participation and physical fitness of children and adolescents, and to reduce the public health burden caused by physical inactivity.

Rev. gaúch. enferm ; 41: e20190473, 2020. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1139147


ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate a ludic strategy developed to promote the engagement of parents and caregivers in the pediatric patient safety actions. Method: A qualitative research developed in the action-research modality, using the thematic content analysis method for data treatment, developed with caregivers of children admitted to the pediatric unit of the public hospital of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, between May and October 2018. Results: Three thematic categories emerged: Learning about patient safety through the game; Game evaluation as a ludic strategy in promoting patient safety and; Change of perception and behavior of parents and caregivers in safety promotion actions. Conclusion: The game was deemed as an important tool for patient safety knowledge transfer, motivating parents and caregivers to become more critical and more co-participant as for the hospitalized child care.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Evaluar una estrategia lúdica desarrollada para promover la participación de padres y acompañantes en acciones de seguridad de pacientes pediátricos. Método: Investigación cualitativa llevada a cabo bajo la modalidad de investigación de acción, utilizando el método de análisis de contenido temático para el tratamiento de datos, desarrollado con cuidadores de niños ingresados a la unidad de pediatría del hospital público de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, entre mayo y octubre de 2018. Resultados: Surgieron tres categorías temáticas: Aprender sobre la seguridad del paciente a través del juego; La evaluación del juego como estrategia lúdica para promover la seguridad del paciente y; Cambio de percepción y comportamiento de padres y cuidadores en acciones de promoción de seguridad. Conclusión: El juego se presentó como una herramienta importante para la transferencia de conocimiento sobre la seguridad del paciente, y para motivar a los padres y cuidadores a ser más críticos con respecto al cuidado de los niños hospitalizados y a desempeñar su rol como copartícipes en la prevención de incidentes.

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar uma estratégia lúdica desenvolvida para promover o engajamento dos pais e acompanhantes nas ações de segurança do paciente pediátrico. Método: Pesquisa qualitativa na modalidade de pesquisa-ação, utilizando a análise de conteúdo temática para tratamento dos dados. Desenvolvida com acompanhantes das crianças internadas na pediatria de um hospital público de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, entre maio e outubro de 2018. A coleta ocorreu em duas fases: ação (estratégia lúdica) e exploratória (avaliação do conhecimento). Resultados: Emergiram três categorias temáticas: Aprendendo sobre segurança do paciente por meio do jogo; Avaliação do jogo como estratégia lúdica na promoção da segurança do paciente; e Mudança de percepção e comportamento dos pais e acompanhantes nas ações de promoção da segurança. Conclusão: O jogo apresentou-se como importante ferramenta de transferência de conhecimento sobre segurança do paciente, motivando os pais e acompanhantes a se tornarem críticos e coparticipantes quanto à assistência à criança hospitalizada.

Criança , Humanos , Pais , Cuidadores , Criança Hospitalizada , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Segurança do Paciente
Sleep Sci ; 12(2): 100-105, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31879542


OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was evaluated effects of an intervention with the serious game "Perfect Bedroom: learn to sleep well" on the sleep habits of healthy children. METHODS: Two groups were composed, experimental (EG) (n=8) and control (CG) (n=5), with health children. This study presented four stages: pre-intervention, intervention, post-intervention and follow-up. Parents responded questionnaires about sociodemographic data and sleep habits measured by UNESP Sleep Habits and Hygiene Scale Child version (USHS). Children responded strategies developed by researchers: "Set up your bedroom" and "Mapping activities before bedtime". The intervention was performed with "Perfect Bedroom" twice a week and for three weeks in a row. Inferential analysis was accomplished for comparisons between groups (Mann-Whitney test) and intragroups (Wilcoxon signed-rank test and Friedman test for repeated measures). RESULTS: Preliminary results indicated non-significant differences on the sleep habits reported by parents. Children's responses indicated a reduction in the number of electronic objects in bedroom and actions with these devices to EG. DISCUSSION: As far as we know, this is the first study that used a serious game to promote healthy sleep habits in children. In addition, they are actively included in the change process. Preliminary findings contribute to indicate the potential of this approach as an effective tool to promote healthy sleep habits in children.

Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 25(5): 379-383, Sept.-Oct. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1042353


ABSTRACT Introduction Games are recognized tools that can be used for teaching, awareness-building and behavioral change. In the world of competitive sports, it is necessary to both educate athletes and make them aware that doping is an unsportsmanlike practice, particularly because this conduct can be life-threatening. A game called "Heart at Risk" was developed in this context for the purpose of teaching athletes which substances are characterized as doping by the World Antidoping Agency, and to raise their awareness of health hazards through entertainment. Objective Present and empirically evaluate the efficacy of the game as a tool for educating athletes on substances characterized as doping. Methods The sample group was formed by 20 players in the under-20 category of Clube do Remo (Rowing Club), aged over 18 years. The athletes underwent a pre-test, played the Heart at Risk game, and took a post-test at the end. Both tests were related to healthy sport practices (positive factors) and to doping substances (negative factors). Results Regarding the knowledge of positive factors, there was an increase of knowledge in relation to low doses of caffeine (∆ = 40%; p-value= 0.0125) and doping assessment (∆ = 55%; p-value = 0.0017). Regarding negative factors, there was an increase of knowledge in relation to diuretics (∆ = 25%; p-value = 0.0455), contaminated thermogenic (∆ = 35%; p-value = 0.0191), growth hormone-GH (∆ = 50%; p-value = 0.0025), contaminated supplements (∆ = 65%; p-value = 0.0007), and testosterone (∆ = 55%; p-value = 0.0017). Conclusion The Heart at Risk game proved to be an effective resource in the process of learning about prohibited substances and positive factors for sports performance. Level of Evidence IV; Case series.

RESUMO Introdução Jogos são reconhecidos instrumentos que podem ser usados para ensino, conscientização e mudança de comportamentos. No competitivo mundo esportivo, educar e conscientizar que doping é uma prática antiesportiva são duas necesidades, principalmente porque essa atitude pode colocar a vida do atleta em risco. Nesse contexto, foi desenvolvido um jogo, chamado Coração em Jogo, com o objetivo de ensinar aos atletas quais substâncias são caracterizadas como doping pela World Anti-Doping Agency, e ludicamente conscientizá-los dos riscos para a saúde. Objetivo Apresentar e avaliar empiricamente a eficácia do Coração em Jogo como ferramenta para educação de atletas sobre substâncias caracterizadas como doping. Métodos A amostra foi formada por 20 jogadores da categoria sub-20 do Clube do Remo, com idade superior a 18 anos. Os atletas realizaram pré-teste e jogaram o Coração em Jogo, e, ao término, foi aplicado um pós-teste. Ambos os testes eram relativos a práticas esportivas saudáveis (fatores positivos) e sobre substâncias dopantes (fatores negativos). Resultados Em relação ao conhecimento de fatores positivos, houve aumento do conhecimento em baixas doses de cafeína (∆ = 40%; valor de p = 0,0125) e avaliação de dopagem (∆ = 55%; valor de p = 0,0017). Em relação aos fatores negativos, ocorreu aumento do conhecimento em diuréticos (∆ = 25%; valor de p = 0,0455), termogênico contaminado (∆ = 35%; valor de p = 0,0191), hormônio do crescimento (∆ = 50%; valor de p=0,0025), suplementos contaminados (∆ = 65%; valor de p = 0,0007) e testosterona (∆ = 55%; valor de p = 0,0017). Conclusão O Coração em Jogo mostrou-se recurso eficaz na aprendizagem das substâncias proibidas e dos fatores positivos para desempenho do esporte. Nível de Evidência IV; Série de casos.

RESUMEN Introducción Los juegos son reconocidos instrumentos que pueden ser usados para enseñanza, concientización y cambio de comportamientos. En el competitivo mundo deportivo, educar y concientizar que doping es una práctica antideportiva son dos necesidades, principalmente porque esa actitud puede poner la vida del atleta en riesgo. En este contexto se desarrolló un juego llamado "Corazón en juego (Coração em Jogo en su nombre en portugués)", con el objetivo de enseñar a los atletas qué sustancias son caracterizadas como doping por la World Antidoping Agency, y lúdicamente concientizarse de los riesgos para su salud. Objetivo Presentar y evaluar empíricamente la eficacia de "Corazón en Juego", como una herramienta para la educación de atletas sobre sustancias que se caracterizan como doping. Métodos La muestra fue formada por 20 jugadores de la categoría sub-20 del Club del Remo, con edad superior a 18 años. Los atletas realizaron test previo y jugaron "Corazón en Juego", y al término se aplicó un test posterior. Ambos tests se referían a prácticas deportivas saludables (factores positivos) y sobre sustancias dopantes (factores negativos). Resultados Con relación al conocimiento de factores positivos, hubo aumento del conocimiento en bajas dosis de cafeína (Δ = 40%, valor de p = 0,0125) y evaluación de dopaje (Δ = 55%; valor de p = 0,0017). Con relación a los factores negativos, ocurrió aumento del conocimiento en diuréticos (Δ = 25%, valor de p = 0,0455), termogénico contaminado (Δ = 35%, valor de p = 0,0191), hormona del crecimiento (Δ = 50%, valor de p = 0,0025), suplementos contaminados (Δ = 65%, valor de p = 0,0007) y testosterona (Δ = 55%, valor de p = 0,0017). Conclusión "Corazón en Juego", se mostró un recurso eficaz en el aprendizaje de las sustancias prohibidas y de los factores positivos para desempeño del deporte. Nivel de evidencia IV; Serie de casos.

JMIR Res Protoc ; 8(6): e12896, 2019 May 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31199306


BACKGROUND: An increase in sexually transmitted infections (STIs) as well as an increase in the use of new information and communication technologies among young people in Catalonia is the inspiration behind the idea of designing a smartphone app to promote partner notification of STIs. OBJECTIVE: The main objective of this study is to design a Web-based tool adapted to smartphones for partner notification of STIs among youth who are 16 to 24 years old. Additionally, the objective is to evaluate the Web-based tool's role in increasing the patient referral partner notification. METHODS: This is a multicenter randomized controlled trial with a proportional stratification of the sample by center and random allocation of participants to the 3 arms of the study (simple Web-based intervention, game Web-based intervention, and control). This study is being conducted by midwives, gynecologists, and physicians in the sexual and reproductive areas of the primary health care centers. RESULTS: The primary outcome measure is the number and proportion of partner notifications. Additional outcome measures are the yield of early diagnosis and treatment of those exposed and infected, acceptability, barriers, and preferences for partner notification. Expected results include an increase in the yield of partner notification, early diagnosis and treatment among youth using Web-based interventions compared with those receiving the traditional advice to notify, and a description of sexual networks among those participating in the study. CONCLUSIONS: The Notijoves is expected to have a sustainable positive impact in the partner notification practice among youth and contribute to increasing the awareness of STI prevention. INTERNATIONAL REGISTERED REPORT IDENTIFIER (IRRID): DERR1-10.2196/12896.

Ribeirão Preto; s.n; 2019. 270 p. ilus.
Tese em Português | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1426358


Introdução: A violência contra a mulher é um fenômeno social complexo e historicamente construído que requer dos profissionais que atuam nos serviços de atendimento conhecimento sobre a desnaturalização das violações e o empoderamento das mulheres envolvidas. Os jogos apresentam-se como instrumentos adequados para tal propósito. Objetivo: Compreender as potencialidades e os limites do jogo Violetas para o enfrentamento da violência de gênero. Método: Estudo exploratório, descritivo e interventivo, de abordagem qualitativa. As categorias analíticas foram gênero, violência de gênero e educação crítico-emancipatória. O cenário foi constituído por três unidades da Casa da Mulher Brasileira situadas em Brasília, Campo Grande e Curitiba. Os participantes foram os profissionais responsáveis ou envolvidos no atendimento de mulheres em situação de violência. Os dados foram coletados por meio de Oficina de Trabalho Crítico- emancipatória e os dados foram gravados e transcritos na íntegra. Os participantes jogavam as partidas e depois comentavam a experiência do jogo. O tratamento dos dados foi realizado segundo a proposta de Bardin, com o apoio do Software WebQDA. Resultados e discussão: emergiram três categorias empíricas: Percepções das profissionais em relação à violência contra a mulher; Percepções das profissionais em relação ao Jogo Violetas; Os limites e as potencialidades do jogo Violetas para o enfrentamento da violência de gênero. As questões de gênero foram associadas às concepções de feminilidade e masculinidade, determinadas biologicamente e responsáveis pela construção dos papéis sociais no contexto da vida pública e privada. O jogo permitiu identificar violações visíveis e invisíveis perpetradas contra as mulheres por meio das respostas sobre os filmes que constituem as questões e da dinâmica da partida. Emergiram sugestões de medidas para a prevenção e o enfrentamento da violência de gênero mediante ações individuais e coletivas das jogadoras. Os limites do jogo se relacionaram à ausência de proximidade das participantes com tecnologias lúdicas, ao entendimento das regras e à interpretação de algumas perguntas. As potencialidades foram associadas à estética, à sensação de desafio e à interação estabelecida entre as jogadoras para a elaboração das respostas e estratégias para contenção da violência no tabuleiro. A tecnologia lúdica provocou o surgimento dos sentimentos de tensão e alegria, bem como o compartilhamento de experiências e o estímulo à aquisição de conhecimentos sobre a violência de gênero. Conclusão: O jogo proporcionou reflexões sobre as expressões da violência de gênero, a atuação das profissionais no atendimento às vítimas e a análise sobre a rede de enfrentamento, conformada por serviços especializados e não especializados. Dessa forma, consiste em importante tecnologia para a formação e qualificação das profissionais, pois promove o pensamento crítico e emancipatório sobre a prevenção e o enfrentamento da violência de gênero

Introduction: Violence against women is a complex and historically built social phenomenon which demands knowledge on denaturalization of violations and the empowerment of women involved. Games are adequate instruments for such purpose. Objective: Understanding the potentials and limits of the game Violetas for confronting gender violence. Method: This is a descriptive and interventive qualitative approach exploratory study. The analytical categories were gender, gender violence and emancipatory critical education. The scenario included three units of Casa da Mulher Brasileira; they were located in Brasília, Campo Grande and Curitiba. Participants were professionals responsible for or involved in the care of women in situations of violence. Data collection was carried out by means of a critical-emancipatory workshop recorded and transcribed in full. Participants played the matches and then spoke about the experience of the game. The data treatment was performed according to Bardins proposal, with the support of WebQDA Software. Results and discussion: three empirical categories emerged: Perceptions of professionals in relation to violence against women; Perceptions of professionals regarding the game Violetas; The limits and potentialities of the game Violetas for confronting gender violence. Gender issues were associated with conceptions of femininity and masculinity, which are biologically determined and responsible for the construction of social roles in the context of public and private life. The game led to the identification of visible and invisible violations perpetrated against women by means of answers about movies mentioned in the questions and in the dynamics of the game. Suggestions of measures for the prevention and confrontation of gender violence emerged through individual and collective actions of the players. The limits of the game were related to the lack of exposure of the participants to recreational technologies, the understanding of the rules and the interpretation of some questions. The potentials were linked to the aesthetics, the feeling of challenge and interaction established between the players for the preparation of answers and strategies for containment of violence on the board. The recreational technology has conducted to the emergence of feelings of tension and joy, as well as the sharing of experiences and the encouragement to acquire knowledge about gender violence. Conclusion: The game provided reflections on the expressions of gender violence, the performance of the professionals in the care of the victims and the analysis of the network of violence confrontation composed of specialized and non-specialized services. Hence, this is an important technology in training and qualifying professionals, because it promotes critical and emancipatory thinking for the prevention and confrontation of gender violence

Humanos , Educação , Violência contra a Mulher , Saúde de Gênero/educação , Jogos Experimentais